Editorial Design
Background: Skeptical Inquirer is a bimonthly magazine published by the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, or the CSI, with the subtitle: “The Magazine for science and reason.“ CSI’s mission statement is to “encourage the critical investigation of paranormal and fringe-science claims from a responsible, scientific point of view and disseminate factual information about the results of such inquiries to the scientific community and the public.” The contents of the magazines includes critical evaluations of all manner of controversial and extraordinary claims, including but not limited to paranormal and fringe-science matters, and informed discussion of all relevant issues.
Concept: This particular issue is focused on everything Bigfoot, in all its forms: Yeti, Abominable Snowman, Sasquatch, etc.. All the visual elements were done with vector illustrations to appeal more to the types of readers this magazine attract. With the concept being that conspiracy theories are things that people don't really know if they are real or not, and that is what you really see is actually there?