Background: Madcap is a coffee roasting company that is committed to buying, roasting, retailing, and wholesaling specialty coffees. The idea for Madcap sprouted from friendship and the strong relationships that is built with all of the people who participate in bringing coffees to the roasters. Madcap believes that coffee has a tremendous story and is interested in and inspired by each detail of that story, including growing, sourcing, roasting, brewing, serving, and imbibing-- all bolstered by the relationships and culture surrounding coffee. It is our sincere hope that, when you experience Madcap, you can see, feel, and taste the commitment to highlighting every part that makes the whole.
Concept: This package design features the use of the pentagonal form to accentuate the five different flavors of coffee in instant form from around the world that the Madcap Coffee company is very proud of. Each side of the panels on the outside of the package showcases vector illustrations that symbolizes the location from which the different flavors were farmed as well as a small blurb / description of each flavors. Inside, the individual packets are triangular and fits perfectly together inside the box perfectly.